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Points of Origin • Canyon Records

Saturday, April 21, 2007

category: Ambient Electronic • release date: January 2008
label: Canyon Records • duration: 74 minutes.

Flutes: Anthony Wakeman. / Music: Joseph Jakob.
Produced by: Stephen Butler / Graphic design: Nile Graphics.
©2007 Canyon Records / Doyle Publishing Group L.L.C.

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Sacred Path • Canyon Records

Friday, November 17, 2006

category: Peyote Church • release date: 1998
label: Canyon Records • duration: 41:55 minutes

Vocals by Verdel Primeaux and Johnny Mike.
Music by Joseph Jakob / Graphic Design by Nile Graphics, AZ.
©1998 Canyon Records / Doyle Publishing Group L.L.C.

42nd Annual Grammy Award Nomination Finalist (1998). Field 14 / Category 69.
Best Native American Music Album (Vocal or Instrumental)

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R E V I E W S:

Spiritual Healing, February 10, 2001
By AmethystRosee "amethystrosee" (chicago, IL)
In listening to this music, you feel touched by the Creator. Although good to hear anytime,these sacred chants are especially a gift when you feel alone, in a hurting space or in a "dark" time. The voices are soothing, comforting,and nurturing, bringing the "Presence" to touch your heart. Reverence, humility and healing will embrace you as you hear it. A must have.

Wonderfully soothing music!, July 27, 2001
By P. M. Jacobsen "Odinsruner" (Birkerød, Denmark, Scandinavia)
This is a very calming and centering cd. The chants have a soothing and calming quality, and the background ambient music fits perfectly with the chants. I often hear for several hours in a row, and I feel more at peace, more centered. What better recommendation can one give?

The Ability of Music to Heal, November 28, 1999
By Glenda Lynne (San Diego, CA)
I bought this CD at a time when my life was in the midst of a rather poignant crisis, and I found it so incredibly haunting that I began to play it every night when I went to bed. The music seemed to help me sleep and heal. I slept better, woke up refreshed, and eventually moved beyond the sadness of that time. I cannot recommend this CD highly enough! It is more than music... it is healing through sound and beauty.

Beautiful Native American Music, March 1, 2006
By Brandy51 "Brandy" (Altadena, CA)
This is the most centering/grounding of all the Indian drumming, chanting, and instrumental music I've listened to. It's relaxing and sometimes even somewhat haunting. But the spiritual tone will resonate through your soul and revive and strengthen your spirit.

Truly a blessing, August 3, 2000
By "morningfeather" (Pleasant Grove, Al United States)
Having received this CD just this morning, I've listened to it during the day. We are preparing the funeral of my Mother-in-Law and during this stressful time I could not have received a more fitting gift than this. These songs are indeed "Healing Songs" and have blessed my Spirit. For a meditative journey, a healing time, or prayers I could not recommend any better music than this. It's easily the Native American answer to Gregorian Chant.
Live in Peace, Walk in Beauty; Morningfeather.

Amazing spiritual music not clouded by commercialism, April 1, 1999
By A Customer
I first heard music by Primeaux and Mike on a Narada disc I bought on a whim. When the first healing song began, their incredible harmonies literally sent shivers through my body-- their voices are that beautiful. Now, every time I hear them sing I am reminded of that very spiritual realm from which music-- great music-- originally springs. Primeaux and Mike bring something sacred to a cappella recordings, and I thank them for consenting to send their gifts into the world on CDs.If you are searching for new music to meditate to, or music to offset the effects of road rage on your daily commute, or music to transport you to another (inward) realm, treat yourself to the beautiful harmonious voices of Primeaux and Mike. As someone who loves music, I can say from my heart that Primeaux and Mike offer us all something uncommonly authentic and ethereal as we search for the soundtrack with which to heal the planet-- and ourselves.

Great recording!, December 16, 1998
By A Customer
I heard this music for the first time in Madras, OR while on the road......picked up the local native radio station. After a couple of cuts I pulled off the road, called information to get the # of the station, called, and got the crucial info. It's one of my favorite CDs. Moving honest spiritual music, heart music that can deepen the listener. This is not a music act.

Mysteriously peaceful music, February 12, 2001
By Jenny Munro (Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset United Kingdom)
This is the only CD that I own at present by these singers. There is something almost mysterious about it. When I play it last thing at night I have the best sleep of all & feel very rested the next day. Each track blends together to make a lovely sound. I really would recommend it to anyone who finds it hard to relax. Any suggestions for my next CD by Primeaux & Mike?

I like the ambient background music, but not the chanting, June 16, 2001
By C. Hendrickson "Cristobal" (San Diego, CA United States)
This CD was disappointing to me. I bought it after hearing one song from these guys on a "Planet Chant" compilation CD. On the piece chosen for Plant Chant, Primeaux and Mike's chanting has a trance-provoking, ethereal quality to it. However, on Sacred Path, I did not find most of the chants to have this quality. Many of the chants on Sacred Path have a repetitiveness that becomes quite annoying after a bit. I realize that repetition is the hallmark of chanting, but I did not find the repetition of these chants to have a healing affect on me. In fact, I found some of them to be downright unpleasant. On the other hand, I did like the ambient music played behind each piece. It had a gentle and more relaxing quality than the chanting on me. Botton line on this CD: Upon repeated listenings, I find the chanting just does not work to provide me with relaxation, but the ambient background music does. Unfortunately, the chanting negates any effect the ambient background music has on me. I would not recommend this CD for relaxation purposes.

Places In Arizona • Psychosomatic Records

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

category: ambient / atmospheric • release date: 09/01/02
label: Psychosomatic Records • duration: 74 minutes

Music by Joseph P. Jakob. ©2002 Disconnect Publishing (ASCAP)
Licensed to Psychosomatic Records 2002 - 2005.

Places in Arizona was included with many other fine artists in a Poll for Databloem Records. (infraction records) Respondents picked their 10 best ambient releases spanning 2000-present. Compiled by APK of Dataobscura/Databloem records, Barry McNeil, and Jason of Infraction Records. Special thanks to Jim Goetsch of Psychosomatic Records for bringing this to my attention.

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Shadow Math • Fateless Flows Records

Friday, June 02, 2006

Fateless Flows Collective - "Shadow Math"
"The Fateless Flows Collective" was formed to provide a community and a promotional alternative for electronic musicians while each musician actively pursues their own path. Based primarily in Los Angeles, Fateless Flows is a chain of experimental and contemporary electronic music artists.

The FFC harbors a growing entity of musicians (some established, some new) with a focus on the maximum exploitation of technology's role in music and art. All artists involved are immersed in subgenres totally separate from each other, though they come together to build the artistic identity and path of exploration for the collective.

Volume 2 "Shadowmath" was designed to exhibit an overt dynamic. While Volume 1 adopted a sound fashioning pure dance culture, Volume 2 seeps into reflective and ambient styles while still shooting out from a template sincere to digitally hardcore / experimental / IDM / electronica (or whatever terms one prefers). The track selection and structure of "Shadowmath" dips from an atmospheric setting into a frantic, rhythmic riot, and then back.

Fateless Flows 1 • Fateless Records

category: Ambient Electronic • release date: March 2003
label: Fateless Records • duration: Unknown
Fateless Flows Collective Vol.1 / Artist Compilation.
Mastering: Jay Skinner / Produced by E. Layola

Novabeats • Psychosomatic Records

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Novabeats Sound System - "Volume One"
This is a release from some of Los Angeles' most experienced electronic artists and producers, who have formed an artists' collective to produce their own CDs, live shows and DJ gigs.

Calling their sound "new directions in beats, jazz and exotica", Novabeats Sound System drops some serious new beats come from legendary beatmaster John Lehmkuhl, the "Skippy" behind the "Skippy's Big Bad Beats" drum loop CD, used on countless music projects all over the world. New directions in jazz run throughout the record, most notably the Jaco-like track from MJ Project. And new directions in exotica come from Kathie Talbot's Latin fantasies and Cavestar's homage to Les Baxter, simply called "Baxter".

Other directions include the use of Koi Howard's flowing operatic vocals on "En Priere", Constant Flux's unique approach to IDM, Mr. Soon's desert landscapes, Surface 10's downtempo abstractions and the work of The Mighty One that simply fits no category. The most radio-ready track on the CD is definitely Swirl's "Together Forever", a fabulous vocal track featuring Lili Hadyn and Kevin Lincoln over the production work of The Mighty One.

Published Works • Chronology

Sunday, May 21, 2006
email: joejakob@gmail.com
2007 - Anthony Wakeman / Mr. Soon "Points of Origin"
2005 - Fateless Flows Collective "Shadow Math"
2004 - Novabeats Sound System "Volume One"
2003 - Fateless Flows Collective "Volume One"
2002 - Mr. Soon "Places in Arizona"
1998 - Primeaux & Mike "Sacred Path"

Les Deux Cafe's • Music Intergration

Saturday, April 15, 2006


For most of 2004, Joe Jakob and Kevin Crosslin,
coordinated nightly music entertainment for 'Le Deux cafe's in Los Angeles, CA. Among events there were special parties for: Brad Pitt, Grace Jones, David Bowie, Shalmon Rushdie, Jerry Seinfeld, Cameron Diaz, Sting, Mariah Carey, Lauren Holly, KD Lang, Bono, Prince, Pamela Anderson, Matt Dillon, Ben Stiller, Tobey Maguire, Eric Clapton, Shirley MacClaine, Kirstie Alley, Tori Spelling, Billy Corgan, Lisa Marie Presley, Natalie Imbruglia, Shannon Doherty, Karen Black, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Gilbert, and Val Kilmer.

J.Jakob provides incidental music for a 2005 documentary film-"Mr. Leather" which is a sociological study of this understood lifestyle in the 21st. century. Director: Jason Garrett.