Les Deux Cafe's • Music Intergration
For most of 2004, Joe Jakob and Kevin Crosslin,
coordinated nightly music entertainment for 'Le Deux cafe's in Los Angeles, CA. Among events there were special parties for: Brad Pitt, Grace Jones, David Bowie, Shalmon Rushdie, Jerry Seinfeld, Cameron Diaz, Sting, Mariah Carey, Lauren Holly, KD Lang, Bono, Prince, Pamela Anderson, Matt Dillon, Ben Stiller, Tobey Maguire, Eric Clapton, Shirley MacClaine, Kirstie Alley, Tori Spelling, Billy Corgan, Lisa Marie Presley, Natalie Imbruglia, Shannon Doherty, Karen Black, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Gilbert, and Val Kilmer.
J.Jakob provides incidental music for a 2005 documentary film-"Mr. Leather" which is a sociological study of this understood lifestyle in the 21st. century. Director: Jason Garrett.
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