Shadow Math • Fateless Flows Records
Fateless Flows Collective - "Shadow Math"
"The Fateless Flows Collective" was formed to provide a community and a promotional alternative for electronic musicians while each musician actively pursues their own path. Based primarily in Los Angeles, Fateless Flows is a chain of experimental and contemporary electronic music artists.
The FFC harbors a growing entity of musicians (some established, some new) with a focus on the maximum exploitation of technology's role in music and art. All artists involved are immersed in subgenres totally separate from each other, though they come together to build the artistic identity and path of exploration for the collective.
Volume 2 "Shadowmath" was designed to exhibit an overt dynamic. While Volume 1 adopted a sound fashioning pure dance culture, Volume 2 seeps into reflective and ambient styles while still shooting out from a template sincere to digitally hardcore / experimental / IDM / electronica (or whatever terms one prefers). The track selection and structure of "Shadowmath" dips from an atmospheric setting into a frantic, rhythmic riot, and then back.